Investing and YOUR Presidency

‘A little sleep, a little folding of the arms, so shall poverty come like a prowler’ – The Good Book


Before investing in any venture, it is important to look up the people running it.

Do they have a track record?

What has been their philosophy and strategy in previous dealings?

Do they have integrity?

Do they meet their consumers’ needs profitably?

Are they able to steer the business in spite of uncertainty?

Are they able to take tough decisions to address important issues that affect the profitability or/and growth of the business?

That is why the pilot of the plane matters and why the vote for electoral offices should not be taken lightly. They are the management we put in place to run our business investment -Nigeria.

If they take wrong or bad decisions, or decisions that are not favourable to your business, to your career, to your investments and ultimately to your life, then your future is at risk. It is that serious!

In case you do not know, Nigeria like many things around you is a business. If it is a well managed or badly managed business is another debate for another time.

As a business, it has a budget, one that may often be signed halfway through the year when a lot of the money has been spent! I hope you have a budget?

Like a business, it has sources of income – the sale of crude oil which represents the most significant income source [hence why it is called a mono-economy].

Other income sources are taxes (from you) and loans (from you too) among others.  By the way, are you running a mono-economy?

It has expenses just like you or/and your business. Salaries to be paid, debts to repay and projects to execute, just like you have people to take care of and projects you want to execute.

Then it has a management team –comprising the President, his cabinets and other electoral officers, who take decisions on your behalf just like you manage your business or/and your family or/and yourself.

A lot of times, I find that a number of us Nigerians and honestly most people in the world,  run our lives like my beloved country Nigeria.

Maybe like Nigeria, you have a single income source and you are struggling to diversify even though you know you should do so now.

It feels like too much work, you are too busy, you are tired, you cannot be bothered, you like money but are not interested in committing to taking the action required.

We know what to do but somehow are hindered by some beliefs we have been fed, lacking the motivation to do something different or take the tough actions required so we do not offend ‘others’. It is really tough to be President of your life and fail to take decisive actions!

And this is the reason we stay the same. We want to be better but do nothing different. Nothing changes because you do not change your action.

Don’t be like my country Nigeria. Do not be unwilling to make the sacrifice now so you can play later.

Join the Invest for Wealth Club, so you can stop replicating the poor decisions made by our country over the years, which has led us to where we are.

The future of our past actions are here today and many do not like it.

Invest in your future, so you can enjoy the future. Learn more about the Club!

Stay safe as you vote.

Tolu Dima-Okojie
Money Behaviour Strategist

Tolu Dima-Okojie